About Wilson
Our School
Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Colorado Springs lies on the eastern edge of District 11's boundaries. It was constructed in 1969 and remodeled extensively in 2007. The average student population is 400 with an average class size of 22. Wilson is a School-Wide Title I school.
Staff includes:
- 2 Preschool Teachers
- 3 Kindergarten Teachers and 2 aides
- 3 First Grade Teachers
- 2 Second Grade Teachers
- 3 Third Grade Teachers
- 2 Fourth Grade Teachers
- 3 Fifth Grade Teachers
- 1 Physical Education Teacher
- 1 General Music Teacher
- 1 Art Teacher
- 1 part time Band Teacher
- 1 part time Orchestra Teacher
- 5 CLDE Teachers
- 2 Special Education Teachers and 4 Special Education assistants
- 1 TLC (Teaching and Literacy Coach)
- 1 LTE (Library Technology Educator)
- 1 part time DST (District Support Technician)
- 1 Social Worker
- 1 School Counselor
- 1 Community Liaison
- 1 part time School Nurse
- 1 part time Gifted and Talented Teacher
- 3 Reading Interventionists
Annually, Colorado public schools are required to update and submit to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) a plan for improvement of instruction. Our school's most recent version on file with CDE is available at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/schoolview/performance. As our improvement plan is a plan to continuously improve instruction and revised regularly as we receive updated, relevant information. The most up-to-date plan is available upon request from the school principal.