What's Happening in the Library
The Wilson library has scheduled library times for classes as well as flexible times for students to check out books and read. All classes preschool-5th visit the library each week. In addition, content such as Digital Citizenship, robotics, and other activities occur in the library.
Students self-select books every week. Students in pre-school through 2nd also have a story or activity every week.
Students use Osmos for math practice, problem solving, and coding.
Students received donated books to add to their book collections at home.
Using QR codes, students chose coding activities during the Hour of Code.
Students use Bee Bots to code a path using different mats. Students used teamwork, problem solving, and made a plan for the Bee Bot to get from the starting point to the identified stopping point.
Preschool students use Code and Go Mice to learn beginning coding. They used teamwork, problem solving, and made a plan for the mice to travel on the mat.